Thursday, March 31, 2011

10 SEO tips for your site

1.Content Simply step to ensure your visitors that there is a reason for them to be on your site, everything else is useless. There are a lot of great sites to find inspiration for writing great content that works.
2. Incoming Links
A link is a link, but without the simplest form you aren’t going to do well in search engines. The more links you have the more often you are going to be crawled. It is also important to make sure that you have the proper anchor text for your incoming links. The easiest way to gain quality links from other sites is to link to sites to let them know your site is there and hope for a reciprocal link. It is also important to make sure that you have content that is worth linking to on your site.
3. Web site title
Making sure that you have the right web site titles for your pages is extremely important. The keywords you place in your title are important in order to ensure that your topic is understood by Google. One of the primary factors for ranking is if the title is on-topic with the search results. Not only is it important for robots to index and understand the topic of the page either. It is important for click-through rates in the search results. Pay attention to what you click on when you are searching in Google, I know that I don’t always click the first results. Using great titles and topics on your site will bring you more traffic than a number one listing. Most of the time it is within the first page, but I skim through the titles to see which looks to be more on-topic for my search query.
4. Heading tags
When you are laying out your site’s content you have to be sure that you are creating the content flow in such a way that the heading tags are based on prominence. The most prominent of course being the h1 tag, which says what this block of copy is about and Making sure you understand heading tag structure is very important. You only want to have one (or two) h1 tags per a page. It is important to not just throw anything into an h1 tag and hope you rank for it.
5. Internal Linking
Making sure that your internal linking helps robots (and visitors!) to find the content on your site is huge. Using relevant copy throughout your site will tell the robots (and visitors!) more effectively what to expect on the corresponding page. You do make sure that on pages you don’t want to rank in Google that you add a no follow tag to ensure that the ranking flow of your site corresponds with your site’s topic and interests. No one is going to be searching Google to find out what your terms of service or privacy policy are.
6. Keyword Density
Ensure that you have the right keyword density for your page and sites topic. You don’t want to go overboard and use the keyword every 5th word but making sure it often is going to help you rank better in search engines. The unspoken rule is no more than 5% of the total copy per a page. Anymore then this and it can start to look a little spammed. It is really all about context; just make sure it is good, quality copy.
7. Sitemaps
It is always a good idea to give search engines a helping hand to find the content that is on your site. Making sure that you create and maintain a sitemap for all of the pages on your site will help the search robots to find all of the pages in your site and index them. Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask all support sitemaps and most of them offer a great way to ensure that it is finding your sitemap. Most of the time you can simply name it sitemap.xml and the search robot will find the file effectively.
8. Meta Tags
Everyone will tell you that Meta tags don’t matter, they do. The biggest thing they matter for is click-through. There will be a lot of times when Google will use your Meta description as the copy that gets pulled with your search listing. This can help to attract the visitor to visit your web site if it is related to their search query. Definitely a much overlooked (as of late) ranking factor. Getting indexed by search engines and ranking well is just the first step. The next, and biggest, step is getting that visitor that searched for your keywords to want to click on your search listing.
9. URL Structure
Ensuring that your URL structure compliments the content that is on the corresponding page is pretty important. There are various methods to make this work, such as moderate on apache.
10. Domain
It can help to have keywords you are interested in ranking for within your domain, but only as much as the title, heading and content matters. One very important factor that is coming to light is that domain age is important. The older the site or domain, the better it is not spam and can do well in search results. The domain age definitely isn’t a make or break factor but it does help quite a bit.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Some SEO Tools

Internet Marketing Tools
These are the collection of some seo tools. We hope it will help you in your seo solutions.
1. Header Checker Tool
This SEO tool will check any web page's header tags. Use our header checker to find any page's status code to ensure that your URLs are returning the appropriate status codes and re-directs are working properly. A surprising number of indexing and ranking problems come from erroneous re-directs, so it's crucial to be sure all of the HTTP status codes are correct.
2. Search Combination Tool
This SEO tool will generate all possible combinations of two separate lists of search phrases. Find new ways to promote your website and reach your audience, when you broaden your keyword horizons. Use these phrases to modify and create new content, as well as to optimize title tags, URL's and internal linking structure. For a new insight into your keyword prospects generate some new combinations to kick start the brainstorming process.
3. Keyword Density Analysis Tool
Enter in a page URL and this free SEO tool will tell you the keyword density of all the phrases on the page. Find out how strong of a keyword message your content is sending with the Keyword Density Analysis Tool. Get hard numbers on your content ratios to find out if you need more or have too much. Use this tool to ensure a solid balance of keywords within your content, and to match the right keywords to the right pages.
4. Spider Viewer
See your site how the spider sees it. This one stop glimpse of your site's most basic information can give you insight into minor adjustments which can have a major impact. Use this tool to evaluate your internal links, meta information and page content. By using precision in regards to these elements you can structure your site to reach its maximum potential.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mobile Technologies

STAMFORD, Conn., March 24, 2010—  
Gartner, Inc. has identified 10 mobile technologies that will evolve significantly through 2011 in ways that will impact short-term mobile strategies and policies.We are highlighting these 10 mobile technologies:

Bluetooth (3 and 4):

Two new Bluetooth versions will emerge by 2011: Bluetooth 3 will introduce 802.11 as a bearer for faster data transmission, and Bluetooth 4 will introduce a new low-energy (LE) mode that will enable communication with external peripherals and sensors. Both versions will include other technical improvements to improve battery life and security.

The Mobile Web:

smartphones with sophisticated browsing capability and the ability to render conventional HTML sites in some manner. The growth in smartphones with relatively large and high-resolution screens will encourage greater numbers of people to access conventional websites on mobile devices, and will make it possible to deliver some B2C applications using conventional Web tools without adaptation.
Mobile Widgets:

Widgets are installable Web applications that use technologies such as JavaScript and HTML. Many handsets support widgets running on their home screens, where they are easily visible and accessible. Despite the lack of standards, widgets provide a convenient way to deliver simple, connected applications, especially those involving real-time data updates (such as weather forecasts, e-mail notifications, marketing, blogs and information feeds). Because widgets exploit well-understood tools and technologies.

Platform-Independent Mobile AD Tools:

Mobile platforms will become more diverse through 2012 although consolidation will not have started, and, in some markets, five or more platforms may have a significant presence. Therefore, tools that can reduce the burden of delivering installable applications to several platforms will be very attractive. Platform-independent application development (AD) tools cannot deliver a "write once, run anywhere" equivalent to native code.

App Stores:

App stores will be the primary (and, in some cases, the only) way to distribute applications to smartphones and other mobile devices. App stores also provide a range of business support functions, such as payment processing, that assist smaller organizations. Gartner believes that app stores will play many roles in an organization's B2C and B2E strategies.

Enhanced Location Awareness:

By the end of 2011, over 75 percent of devices shipped in mature markets will include a GPS. GPS will be the primary, but not the only, means of establishing handset location. Wi-Fi and cell ID systems will remain important in situations where GPS is unavailable or unreliable. The popularity of location-aware handsets will enable a wide range of B2E and B2C location-aware applications.

Friday, March 25, 2011

How mobile devices can reduce fraud

When we read about the proliferation of mobile technology, often the focus is on risks. For example, lost and stolen devices can facilitate identity thieves, and communications can be subject to interception. But mobile devices can also empower users to defend against malicious and fraudulent activity. Because mobile tech is often instantly accessible it is always at the ready to react in the moment, shedding sunlight on activities that in the past may have been hidden behind closed doors.

When a credit card is handed to a clerk, there is the possibility that the card will be "skimmed" — a secret impression can be made either physically or electronically, which can later be used to initiate fraudulent activity. The problem is especially prevalent in restaurants, .Some restaurants are deploying mobile POS systems. The server can use a handheld reader to swipe the customer card and generate a printed receipt at tableside, so the card never leaves the user's sight.

Another form of mobile POS is to use a customer's cell phone as a direct payment method. When payment is initiated either via an app or merely presenting the phone to a mobile phone POS system, there is no middleman involved (like a clerk), eliminating the most significant source of risk in a sale transaction.

Mobile phones are effective ways of issuing instant alerts. For example, when someone signs up for a service — say, registering at their bank's Website — a user's identity can be confirmed by issuing a confirmation call or text. The user then needs to provide, say, a PIN code provided in the alert to complete the registration. In this way, incorporating the mobile device into the verification process prevents someone from falsely registering for a service under someone else's identity

Text message alerts can also be issued by banks and credit card vendors to provide real-time reports to card owners.  
For example, if a text message alert is sent every time a charge is made (or made above a certain amount), a fraudulent charge can be detected almost instantly by the card owner.
Consider a case where a cell phone camera is used to take stills or video of a crime in progress: Those pictures can be instantly posted to social networking sites, quickly drawing attention to threatening events. Even without the real-time component, mobile phones record a visual record of a time and place. Take the case of insurance fraud. 

Despite the risks inherent in using mobile technology, using these devices to eliminate middlemen and document events will, at the very least, reduce simple fraud and force fraudsters to devise more sophisticated  riskier methods of fooling the system. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some Tips about mobile website

There are two factors that make this a necessity.
First, mobile device screens are so small that you really need to utilise all of the available space.
Second, there are a lot of different screen resolutions out there. The only way to utilise all of the space available on different sized screens is with a fluid layout.
Websites with a minimum width of 320px will look good on most high-end mobile devices like the iPhone, Android and Nokia N97. Here are the screen resolutions of some of the most popular devices:
Device Screen res (height x width)
iPhone 320 x 480
iPhone 4 320 x 480 (scaled by a factor of 2)
Nokia N97 360 x 640
HTC Legend 320 x 480
LG eXpo 480 x 800

Technically, the retina display on the iPhone 4 has a screen resolution of 640 x 960 pixels but don’t worry, if you optimise your site for 320 x 480, the iPhone 4 will scale it up by a factor of two so it fits the whole screen. You will need to insert higher resolution images – but more on that in the next section!

2. Include high res images for the iPhone 4 retina display

The iPhone 4 display has four times the number of pixels as that of the original iPhone. To prevent mobile sites from looking tiny, it magnifies them by 200%. That works great on text and vector images like SVG. But its not so hot on bitmap images (or even the HTML5 canvas so it would seem). To avoid pixelation, you need to insert alternative high resolution images for the iPhone 4.

3. Turn off auto-scaling

Mobile devices will assume your website is optimised for desktop computers unless you tell them otherwise. Add a viewport meta tag to the head section of your HTML to set the width of your website to match the width of the display, render with a zoom level of 100% and prevent the user from zooming in/out.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
Mobile phones will also adjust text size when the screen orientation changes unless you include a special CSS parameter:
body {
    -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;

4. Make clickable elements big enough for a fingertip, ≈44px²

Your mobile visitors don’t have the accuracy of a mouse – they are often using their fingertips on a touch screen. Don’t make them put their fingers through a pencil sharpener just to click your button! Apple has said that the average finger tap on an iPhone is 44px by 44px (in your high res Photoshop doc that will be 88px by 88px), so aim to make clickable areas at least that size. This doesn’t mean you have to design gigantic looking buttons. Just add some padding to your small buttons to enlarge the clickable area.

5. Don’t use hover states

Today’s touch screens can’t detect when a finger is getting close to touching, so the concept of rollovers does not apply. On the iPhone your :hover style will actually display on click and then remain on screen even after the user takes their finger away, which can be really annoying. So the rule is – don’t use :hover in your CSS or mouseover in your JavaScript.

6. Create icons for your site

Hopefully users will really love your site and add it to their home screen for easy access. Don’t ruin the mood with an ugly default icon! Add these meta tags to the head section of your HTML to define icons.

7. Reduce load time by using CSS3 instead of images for gradients, rounded corners, shadows, etc.

Depending on the devices you are targeting, CSS3 can be an excellent option for mobile design. With old school web design techniques, a button with a gradient and rounded corners might consist of 9 separate image slices, a bunch of nasty non-semantic markup and a hefty amount of CSS. With CSS3, you can create this:

8. Use an HTML5 doctype

Not all browsers implement HTML5 features, but they will still accept an HTML5 doctype.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Using this doctype declaration will allow you to display HTML4 elements to all browsers, and then add in additional functionality for the browsers that support HTML5.

9. Make your site operate offline

Your visitors won’t always have a fast Internet connection. If you’re designing the type of site that will have return visitors, consider leveraging the client-side storage capabilities of HTML5. It can be as simple as creating a cache manifest file that tells the browser what files it needs to cache for offline access. A more advanced option is to create an SQLite database on the client with JavaScript.

10. Include an option for your mobile visitors to view the normal website

Detection scripts can get it wrong, or a user might simply prefer not to use the mobile optimised interface. So my final tip is, always offer users a way to switch back to ‘normal mode’.
So there’s a few mobile web tips I’ve picked up over the last few months. I’d love to hear yours too in the comments!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mobile Comics

Mobile comics on your cell phone or mobile phone, now there are some things that don't translate well to mobile phones, and I'm gonna give it a little longer before I decide if it's a great idea,
The mobile comics I've come across certainly look great on the websites offering them, but what are they like in the real world?
Fancy yourself as a bit of an artist? RokComics have launched a brilliant Mobile Comic Creator that lets you create your own Mobile Comics, and if it's of a good enough standard, RokComics will share it with their users.
Mobile Comics are an MMS that you download to your cell phone or mobile phone. RokComics have comics featuring characters such as Garfield, Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles. Some interesting stuff to be found.
The Mobile Comics Creator is entirely web based, very intuitive and has an excellent video tour for beginners.
Celnetgroup provids you one mobile comic about the giant turtule of jataka tales.So download it on your mobile and enjoy the comic.

 Visit us at

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to make the sites mobile friendly
There are some services, options or plugins by using which you can make your sites mobile friendly.
It  is a sevice that makes drupal, wordpress and other sites mobile friendly.
It has a free option that makes your blog mobile friendly.
Itis a mobile plugin for wordpress websites. It automatically transforms the blog into a web application when viewed from an iphone.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mobile Friendly Websites

The Mobile web  refers to the use of Internet-connected applications, or browser-based access to the Internet from a mobile device - such as a smartphone or tablet PC - connected to a wireless network.
In fact, the shift to mobile Web access has been accelerating since 2007 with the rise of larger form factor multitouch smartphones, and more recently since 2010 with the emergence of multitouch tablet computers. Both platforms are more conducive to Internet access and better browser- or application-based user Web experiences than have been afforded by previous generations of mobile devices.
Mobile Web access  still today suffers from interoperability and usability problems. Interoperability issues stem from the platform fragmentation of mobile devices, mobile operating systems, and browsers. Usability problems are centered around the small physical size of the mobile phone form factors (limited resolution screens and user input/operating limitations).
  • Small screen size – This makes it difficult or impossible to see text and graphics dependent on the standard size of a desktop computer screen.
  • Lack of windows – On a desktop computer, the ability to open more than one window at a time allows for multi-tasking and for easy revert to a previous page. Historically on mobile web, only one page can be displayed at a time, and pages can only be viewed in the sequence they were originally accessed. However, there are apps for the iPhone (e.g. Oceanus), as well as browsers such as Opera Mini for Java ME, allowing multiple windows, but sometimes a limited number, and not multiple windows in the same screen.
  • Navigation – Most mobile devices do not use a mouselike pointer, but rather simply an up and down function for scrolling, thereby limiting the flexibility in navigation.
  • Lack of Javascript and cookies – Most devices do not support client-side scripting and storage of cookies (smartphones excluded), which are now widely used in most Web sites for enhancing user experience, facilitating the validation of data entered by the page visitor, etc. This also results in web analytics tools not being suitable for uniquely identifying visitors using mobile devices.
  • Types of pages accessible – Many sites that can be accessed on a desktop cannot on a mobile device. Many devices cannot access pages with a secured connection, Flash or other similar software, PDFs, or video sites, although recently this has been changing.
  • Speed – On most mobile devices, the speed of service is very slow, often slower than dial-up Internet access.
  • Broken pages – On many devices, a single page as viewed on a desktop is broken into segments, which are each treated as a separate page. Paired with the slow speed, navigation between these pages is slow.
  • Compressed pages – Many pages, in their conversion to mobile format, are squeezed into an order different from how they would customarily be viewed on a desktop computer.
  • Size of messages – Many devices have limits on the number of characters that can be sent in an email message.
  • Cost – the access and bandwidth charges levied by cellphone networks can be high if there is no flat fee per month.
  • Location of mobile user:
    • if advertisements reach phone users in private locations, users find them more distressful (Banerjee & Dholakia, 2008)
    • if the user is abroad the flat fee per month usually does not apply
  • Situation in which ad reaches user – When advertisements reach users in work-related situations, they may be considered more intrusive than in leisure situations.
Popular Mobile Browsers:
The following are some of the more popular mobile browsers
Android browser
BlackBerry Browser
Firefox for mobile
Internet Explorer Mobile
Iris Browser
Nokia Series 40 Browser
Opera Mobile
Polaris Browser
WebOS Browser

Mobile OperatingSystems:
Mobile os and browsers are headed in opposite directions.
Smartphone Operating Systems:
Windows Mobile
Palm OS
Windows Phone 7
Bada OS
Other OSs

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Business development relies on exploiting the opportunities that are presented to you and yourorganizations.
To formulate your business developement strategies you should decide what your business should excel at and how that affects processes, people and customers. You also need to be clear about who controls the implementation of your business development ideas, and who monitors goals, actions, measures and progress.

Have you ever think about how small business turns out to be successful, so that it won't be small any more...
Here CelnetGroup provides you a solution.
Buddhaw: A business developement site which creates a link between Businessmen as well as job seekers through question_answers and conferences helding periodically.
Here you will get a chance to interact with other business experts, can put your queries, views and similarly can get the opinions, ideas, solutions from experts. It's aim is to eradicate poverty by providing job oppertunities to jobseekers and helping businesses to grow more and reach to the customers.
So, dont delay, register with us in free.
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Why Directory Submission is required for SEO?

Directory submission is a affordable search engine optimization (SEO) method of choice for thousands of internet business owners across the world. If you've spent any amount of time looking for affordable website promotion, you've likely come across webmaster forums or blogs boasting about the benefits of directory submissions.
we've outlined a few directory submission benefits and what this website promotion service can do for you and your internet business in today's competitive market.
It provides increased link popularity.
Increased visibility to search engines. The more incoming links you have to your website, such as can be obtained through directory submissions and other link building strategies, the better. By increasing your global link popularity you are increasing the frequency by which search engine robots access your website, thus increasing your websites visibility to the search engines.
Increased visits from search engine robots.
Keyword targeting. Directory submissions help website owners build keyword relevancy for their websites.
If a directory is well-managed, you will get the benefit of receiving a contextual link, or a link from a page with topically related content. This, in itself, is a powerful directory submission benefit.

If you're looking for an affordable website promotion service, directory submissions are all that and more. Mixing in the benefits of keyword targeting, brand building and increasing your website's link popularity that offer long-term results for a nominal fee is a no-brainer.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing describes computation, software, data access, and storage services that do not require end-user knowledge of the physical location and configuration of the system that delivers the services. Parallels to this concept can be drawn with the electricity grid where end-users consume power resources without any necessary understanding of the component devices in the grid required to provide the service.

Cloud computing describes a new supplement, consumption, and delivery model for IT services based on Internet protocols, and it typically involves provisioning of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources.   It is a byproduct and consequence of the ease-of-access to remote computing sites provided by the Internet.[4] This frequently takes the form of web-based tools or applications that users can access and use through a web browser as if it were a program installed locally on their own computer.

Using this concept CelnetGroup developed Proclinic software. Proclinic is a cloud computing based online dental clinic management system. It is a healthcare product through which patient's informations, appointments, doctors informations,bills etc. can be maintained.
Visit us at